Kinder Owls


Sometimes its great to plan a lesson just for the process. I don’t do a lot of process art with my students but I do try to squeeze in one every now and then just to reinforce some fine motor skills. This lesson would work with cutting or tearing paper. I have seen it done many times before with many different animals and shapes.

A few weeks ago I noticed some of the Kindergarten students were a little hesitant with the scissors so we decided to set aside our project and just practice cutting for a day or two.

I started by giving them a strip of brown paper with diagonal lines across it to get them used to cutting all the way across the paper. After a few tries with the lines we started trying to cut some without. In the end we had tons of little brown triangles and had many students who were now very confident with their scissors.

We drew large triangles on construction paper and filled the space with our little brown pieces. Then I passed out some scraps of orange and yellow for making eyes, beaks, and feet.

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