Quarantine Art


What a strange year 2020 has turned out to be. When we left school so quickly in March there wasn’t much time to prepare anyone for art at home. While I did post assignments in my Google classroom I didn’t stress out expecting a lot of participation. I also held my daily office hours and loved getting to visit with some of my students but it wasn’t a lot. I wanted to find a way to stay connected even while we were all so far apart.

So each day during my office hours I would print a stack of How to Draw sheets and draw. Then I mailed the drawing and the instructions out to students. I didn’t get to everyone but by the end of May I had sent out about 100 drawings.

Check out some of the art I got back! I also am sharing a picture of my daily office hour buddy Abby. She has loved having our family home more during the day for sure!

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