Hundertwasser Flowers
Friedenreich Hundertwasser! Whew what a name. My third graders had a blast trying to say that one.
I have always had a love for Hundertwasser's colorful creations. I love...
Illuminated Letters
This is our take on Illuminated letters. The fifth grade students started by creating a theme and discussing symbols or objects they could draw to represent the theme....
First Grade Superheroes
This lesson was an interesting experiment. Before showing or telling the students what we would be working on I went around the room and we talked about "things"...
Chalk Pastel Frogs
Grabbing and maintaining a 5th graders attention is probably one of the more difficult aspects of this job to me. They are at such an interesting age and...
Art Club Update
I have not been able to do quite as much with Art Club this year as I normally would, which is very sad. There have been more field...