Since first grade finished their gators first they got to be the first ones to start our unit on the Elements and Principles. I found this adorable lesson while deep diving into an image search for “first grade line art” (we’ve all been there right?) Its in French but its art and the visual translates!
We started by listening to the Scratch Garden Line Song.
We also looked at these books and discussed different types of lines and the difference between Lines and Shapes

Then we practiced making different kinds of lines together while completing this awesome handout from Art is Basic: http://www.artisbasic.com/2015/10/types-of-lines-in-art-handout.html
After finishing our Line handout and referencing the song and book. we started piecing together our tall silly person. We used 18×8 sheets of black paper, 2 inch circles that I precut using a 2 inch hole punch, 2 inch squares I precut these because of how early in the year it is; if it were later and we had more cutting practice I would have let them cut their own shapes, and some foot shapes that could be any shape you choose. This is my first year trying out glue sponges. They worked really well for this project, I was very impressed. We used black sharpies for our lines and white crayons for the hair and arms. Overall this was a quick fun lesson for all of my first grade students. Here are some step by step pictures so you can try it on your own.

To view student samples check out our Artsonia Gallery: https://www.artsonia.com/museum/gallery.asp?project=2447280